From Blood Sugar to Penile Health
Peyronie’s disease is a noncancerous condition of the penis that is caused by the buildup of fibrous scar tissue, called plaques, under the skin of the penis resulting in symptoms including penile curvature and painful erections. To help, you should consider XIAFLEX, a prescription medicine used to treat adult men with Peyronie's disease. Having Peyronie's disease can impact more, leading to erectile dysfunction.
12 Signs Of Diabetes in Men
- Frequent urination.
- Excessive thirst.
- Unexplained weight loss.
- Fatigue.
- Blurred vision.
- Slow healing of wounds.
- Tingling or numbness in extremities.
- Recurrent infections.
- Erectile dysfunction.
- Increased hunger.
- Poor concentration.
- Darkened skin patches.
Categories of Peyronie's Disease
Peyronie’s disease is categorized as follows:
Acute phase
- Typically lasts between 5 and 7 months but may last as long as 18 months in some men.
- Plaques form under the skin of the penis.
- Penile curvature worsens.
- Painful erections often develop.
Chronic phase
- Plaques stop growing.
- Penile curvature doesn’t worsen any further.
- Painful erections usually stop.
Painful erections associated with Peyronie’s disease typically improve within 1 to 2 years, but penile curvature and shortening usually remain after stabilizing between 3 and 12 months after initial symptoms present. Early treatment is essential to help improve symptoms and prevent the worsening of the condition. In rare cases, penile curvature and pain caused by Peyronie’s disease improve without treatment.
What is Diabetes?
Diabetes is a chronic condition in which the body doesn’t make enough insulin or is unable to use insulin properly. The body breaks down food into sugar and releases it into the bloodstream. When blood sugar levels rise, the pancreas releases insulin. Insulin helps turn blood sugar into energy that the body can use. In diabetic patients, there isn’t enough insulin in the body, or the body stops responding to insulin. As a result, too much blood sugar remains in the bloodstream, leading to an array of health issues, including vision loss, heart disease, and kidney disease.
Knowing how trigger finger and diabetes are related can help with treatment plans. Here is everything you need to know about coping with this symptom.
Diabetes, in men, consists of 2 main types, including:
Type 1
- Believed to be caused by an autoimmune reaction whereby the body mistakenly attacks itself, stopping the body from making insulin.
- 5% to 10% of diabetic patients are type 1.
- Usually diagnosed in children, teens, and young adults.
- Symptoms develop rapidly.
- Taking insulin daily is necessary.
- No known prevention for Type 1 diabetes.
Type 2
- The body doesn’t use insulin properly and is unable to maintain normal blood sugar levels.
- 90% to 95% of diabetic patients are Type 2.
- Usually diagnosed in adults, although it can develop at any age.
- Symptoms develop slowly and may not even be noticed.
- Living a healthy lifestyle by maintaining a healthy weight, eating a healthy diet, and staying active can help to delay or prevent Type 2 diabetes.
While there isn’t currently a cure for diabetes, losing weight, consuming a healthy diet, keeping active, and taking medications as prescribed can help to keep the condition under control and keep blood sugar levels in check.
The Link Between Peyronies and Diabetes
Diabetes is a leading risk factor for sexual dysfunction – with between 20% and 80% of diabetic men suffering from erectile dysfunction. Additionally, between 18.3% and 33% of men with Peyronie’s disease also have diabetes. Generally, diabetic men with Peyronie’s disease are diagnosed in their mid-50s and typically present during the later stages of the disease.
Research has shown that men with poorly controlled diabetes, those with HbA1c levels >8.5%, are at an even higher risk of suffering from Peyronie’s disease than men with good diabetes control. Not only are men with diabetes at a higher risk of developing Peyronie’s disease, but diabetes also increases the severity of Peyronie’s disease. In one study, men with diabetes and Peyronie’s disease were found to have a higher degree of penile deformity, higher rates of severe penile curvature, higher rates of erectile dysfunction, and higher rates of vascular issues.
XIAFLEX for Peyronie's Disease
Xiaflex is an enzyme medication used in the treatment of Peyronie's disease. It contains collagenase clostridium histolyticum, an enzyme that breaks down collagen, a key component of scar tissue. When injected directly into the plaque in the penis, Xiaflex helps to break down and dissolve the collagen, reducing the size and hardness of the plaque. This treatment aims to improve penile curvature and function, allowing for better sexual satisfaction and quality of life for individuals with Peyronie's disease.
Managing Dual Challenges
Because penises vary in size and shape, a curved erection isn’t always a problem; however, Peyronie’s disease can cause significant penile curvature, pain, and shortening in some men, which may make it difficult to get, or maintain, an erection. It may prevent some men from having sex. Additionally, severe cases of Peyronie’s disease can harm a man’s mental health, leading to stress and anxiety.
The link between peyronies and diabetes has been well-established. Men with diabetes, especially poorly controlled diabetes, are at a higher risk of developing Peyronie’s disease and suffering severe symptoms. Early treatment for Peyronie’s disease is essential to treat symptoms and prevent the progression of the disease. Further, proper management of diabetes to keep blood sugar levels in check may help to minimize the risk of developing Peyronie’s disease. Check on your peyronies and diabetes to ensure you can find the right treatment plan for you.