Borderline diabetes, synonymous with prediabetes, is a condition that begins before an individual develops type 2 diabetes.
Borderline diabetes, synonymous with prediabetes, is a condition that begins before an individual develops type 2 diabetes.
You may be aware of what type 1 and type 2 diabetes, but did you know there may be another type called type 3 diabetes? Learn more about type 3 here.
How many different types of diabetes are there? There are several types including type 1 and 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes are just some to name.
Learn about the several of the side effects of diabetes, and strategies for reducing these side effects or complications to stay healthy with diabetes.
Should diabetics be using raw sugar instead of regular sugar or sweeteners? Find out the difference between raw sugar vs. refined sugar here.
In order to receive a diagnosis of diabetes, common diabetes tests include blood tests, eye tests, neuropathy tests and more.
Diabulimia usually occurs when an individual who has type 1 diabetes intentionally reduces their insulin intake in order to lose weight.
"How stressed do you have to be for that stress to have an impact on blood glucose levels?" Afra discusses the link between diabetes and stress.
As the name implies, prediabetes means your blood glucose levels are high, but not quite high enough to be considered diabetic.